Long Distance Offshore Marine Communication Systems

Long Distance Offshore Marine Communication Systems

The latest standards for long distance offshore marine communication systems have changed over the years; are you up to date with the latest safety standards? Flags and semaphores were once main forms of long distance offshore marine communication. Radio telecommunication has seen a huge rise over the last century thanks to advances in technology, leading to vast changes that increase overall safety.

The early half of the twentieth century saw the use of radio telegraphy via Morse code. By the 1970s, studies conducted by the International Telecommunication Union, brought about the development of a ship-to-ship or ship-to-shore communication system that offered some automatization. That meant ships no longer required a skilled radio officer on watch at all hours of the day and night.

Marines could finally communicate between land and other ships thanks to on board systems, as well as shore stations and satellites. VHF radio provided the capabilities for ship-to-ship communication. And Digital Selective Calling resulted in digital remote control commands that can send and receive signals of distress, safety calls, priority messages, and so forth.

GMDSS Geographical Subdivisions

The Global Maritime Distress Safety System (GMDSS) enforces international operation requirements. The GMDSS divides the world’s oceans into four geographical points, A1, A2, A3, and A4.

A1—Approximately 20-30 miles off the nautical coast. Equipment: VHF, DSC and NAVTEX

A2—The area around 400 nautical miles off shore, and extending up to 100 nautical miles off shore. Equipment: DSC, radio telephone (MF radio range), and equipment for A1 regions. 

A3—This area does not include A1 and A2 areas, it covers 70-degrees north and 70-degree south latitude, and is in the INMARSAT geostationary satellite range. Equipment: High frequency radio and/or INMARSAT, receiving system for MSI, plus other systems for A1 and A2 regions.

A4—Areas of the sea located outside of A1, A2 and A3. Largely this accounts for Polar Regions North and South of 70-degree latitude. Equipment: HF radio service plus all other equipment outline for A1, A2, and A3.

Staying Up to Date with the Latest Regulations for Offshore Marine Communication

Today, it is common for DSC controllers to be configured with a VHF radio due to SOLAS (Safety of Life at Sea) regulations. As of 2016, SOLAS updated its regulations to include radio communication for fire teams onboard ships. All ships are advised to carry 2 two-way radios that are intrinsically safe and resistant to explosions.

This new development has led to some confusion—such as what is “intrinsically safe?” What date do ships need to become compliant by? And, where can one obtain these specific radios for fire crews?

We make it easy to get up to date on the latest regulations with SOLAS Marine Fire Team Radios. The Motorola XPR-7550 meets SOLAS Marine Fire Team Radio requirements. These radios are compatible with UHF or VHF communication systems or marine VHF channels. This offers immense flexibility thanks to a package of DMR standard digital radios that offer operations-critical voice and data communications for fire teams.

What Does “Intrinsically Safe” Mean?

According to the ISA-RP12-6, Intrinsically Safe is defined as “equipment and wiring which is incapable of releasing sufficient electrical or thermal energy under normal or abnormal conditions to cause ignition of a specific hazardous atmospheric mixture in its most easily ignited concentration.” 

In simpler terms, radios must be built to remain functional in high heat and other emergency situations. We offer the MOTOTRBO XPR7000e Series with the SOLAS Marine Fire Team Radios package, a set of DMR standard digital radios that provide operations-critical voice and data communications for your team. Not only do these radios meet all requirements for SOLAS Marine Fire Team Radios, additionally, they provide everyday UHF or VHF communications or marine VHF channels.   

When Does this Ordinance Go into Effect?

The ordinance is already enforced on all ships constructed after July 1st, 2014. Ships built before this date have until July 1, 2018 to reach compliance. We offer a SOLAS Marine Fire Team Radios package that provides everything ships need to comply with this ordinance and more. Learn more here: https://www.highlandwireless.com/two-way-radio-dealer/fire-team-radios/

Get up to date with the latest standards for offshore marine communication by contacting Highland Wireless today!

US Army Upgrades Mobile Radio System to Motorola Radios

US Army Upgrades Mobile Radio System to Motorola Radios

Motorola Solutions remains one of the most highly recognized names in the communications industry. As an authorized provider of Motorola Solutions two-way radios, we are pleased to announce the US Army has upgraded their mobile radio systems to Motorola radios. There’s good reason the US Army selected Motorola radios as they have a lot of benefits to offer a variety of industries.

Advantages to Motorola Two-Way Radios

Motorola two-way radios are used by businesses big and small, as well as the US military and public fire and police departments.  These industries count on unsurpassed reliability more than most, especially in emergency or life-saving situations. With so many other options, why do they pick Motorola? The following benefits of Motorola two-way radios shed light on the long-standing brand’s solid reputation.

Intrinsically Safe Radios

Motorola makes intrinsically safe radios, which is crucial for emergency first responders. The MOTOTRBO XPR7000e Series is compliant with the latest offshore marine communication requirements. It can withstand high heat and remains functional in just about any emergency, allowing fire teams to communicate with other ships and land-based stations without fault. 

Internal Communication Platform

Motorola two-way radios allow for adequate yet discrete, private and secure communication. Businesses using two-way radios for confidential national and international communications put their trust in Motorola, allowing them to securely coordinate daily plans and so forth.

Scale Up at Any Time

Motorola makes it easy to scale up communication solutions at any time thanks to the option to add on accessories. A good example is a signal booster, which can increase radio signal range.

Highly Reliable

Two-way radios are far more reliable than mobile phones, and Motorola makes some of the most dependable models on the market. After all, they were originally designed for use by the US Military.  Regardless of dirt, moisture, dust or high heat, these radios are built to work. The design of each radio eases management at the internal level, providing a stable network for communication.

Increased Safety & Security

Motorola two-way radios offer superior security, which leads to greater safety. This security can be identified in two crucial ways. For one, Motorola radios provide a confidential way to share information. Secondly, radios continue working for communication even in emergency situations such as high heat or following an explosion.

Motorola’s Radio system MOTOTRBO

MOTOTRBO offers superior voice quality, increased capacity and integrated data communication. Motorola can do this because they are the creator behind the industry’s largest third party application developer program. MOTOTRBO is engineered to the globally recognized ETSI DMR Tier 2 standard. It is available in VHF and UHF frequency bands.

No Charges Per Call

No need to worry about going over your monthly minutes. Radio communication is unlimited with no per minute or per call charges.

Greater Employee Communication

When employees have a secure and reliable form of communication they are more likely to use it, leading to greater efficiency and less risk of oversight or miscommunications. As a result, many businesses report increased employee productivity as well as other direct benefits.

Less Maintenance + Reduced Costs Compared to Cell Phones

You don’t have to worry about things like software updates, shattered screens, and so forth. Radios are a low maintenance alternative to cell phones, plus they are more affordable and more reliable.

One Radio, Wide Variety of Uses

The advantages offered by Motorola radios are used in a wide variety of industries, from marine ships to grocery stores, as well as concert venues, theme parks, construction sites, and the list goes on.

Motorola Two-Way Radios from Highland Wireless

Highland Wireless is an authorized Motorola two-way radio dealer. We offer a variety of two-way radio products and systems. From the SL-7550 to the Motorola XPR-7550, which meets SOLAS Marine Fire Team Radio requirements, we have everything you need to improve communication, as well as increase safety and overall productivity. Contact us today to learn more.

What Is The First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet)?

What Is The First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet)?

In 2012, The First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet) was established to help improve public safety through first responder communication. It was created under the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012. It operates independently within the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA).

FirstNet originated to create, operate and maintain a uniform system for a public safety broadband network. To build the network, Congress reserved $7 billion along with 20 MHz of valuable radio spectrum. Despite billions of dollars the program has received, it is still not up and running. In the meantime, private companies are installing in-building public safety communication systems across the nation.   

FirstNet has received little public attention but some are fed up with the slow-moving and costly program. The Atlantic slammed the “$47 billion network that’s already obsolete” saying that the vision for the project is taking way too long to get up and running. In the meantime, needs are shifting and private companies are already taking care of the issue—without relying on public money. The article goes so far as to call the project “the most wasteful post-9/11 initiative.” 

Why Was FirstNet Instituted?

The agency was instituted to provide greater telecommunication systems to assist firefighters, police and other first responders. FirstNet plans to create a nation-wide 700 MHz spectrum to unify communication systems and further protect the safety of communities and first responders.  The goal is to create a system that unifies cell towers and radio towers for seamless communication across all fronts.

FirstNet was inspired following the tragedies of 9/11, when 121 firefighters perished when the second tower at the World Trade Center collapsed. According to reports, police commanders flying over the scene in helicopters could see how badly damaged the building was and were trying to alert firefighters to get out, but remained unable to communicate with first responders in the building. 

According to later reports that surfaced, the Trade Center was equipped with repeater devices that enable two-way radio communication even on the highest floors. Yet, the fire in the building interfered with the system.

Technology has advanced since 9/11 and most major cities, like Miami-Dade and New York, are already instituting first responder in-building communication systems that address the problem. And they are doing so without assistance from hugely funded FirstNet. The Atlantic writes, “The combined forces are now able to plug into one another’s systems without waiting for FirstNet’s grand solution.”   

It’s easy to see the importance of appropriate in-building communication systems but is FirstNet taking too long to formulate to remain relevant?  Up to $7 billion was granted to FirstNet to implement the nationwide public-safety broadband network. Here are the main things the program intends to do:

-Operate as an independent authority inside of the U.S. Department of Commerce, with a responsibility to deploy and operate a nationwide public safety broadband network.

-Act as the first high-speed nationwide wireless broadband network dedicated to preserving public safety.

-Provide a single interoperable platform for public-safety communication on a daily and emergency basis.

-Fulfill a large need for greater safety, as well as fulfill the last remaining recommendation of the 9/11 Commission.

-Guide the Commission to use the D-Block on a nationwide broadband network

-FirstNet holds the license for existing public safety broadband spectrum and the reallocated D block.

FirstNet Partners With AT&T

If everything ends up working as planned, FirstNet will provide a backup network of sorts that first responders can transfer calls to when other networks fail. On March 30th, 2017, FirstNet made a major move announcing it awarded the contract to AT&T. Together, they now plan to establish the first nationwide public safety broadband network. This provides some promise that FirstNet will live up to its purpose. Still, FirstNet and AT&T admit “there is much work to be done.”

There’s no need to wait for these nationwide systems. Large commercial buildings in major metropolitan areas are already installing in-building communication systems. In fact, Miami-Dade’s Category 40 requires the installation of first-responder public safety communication systems.

Highland Wireless offers free on-site analysis and a customized quote. Contact us today to learn more!

First-Responder Communication Fire Building Codes, Is Your Building Up To Standard?

First-Responder Communication Fire Building Codes, Is Your Building Up To Standard?

In aims of protecting as many people as possible, public-safety codes set boundaries and guidelines for building and fire safety in both new and existing buildings. It might seem like there are endless international, national, and local building and fire codes to satisfy, but in the end, it’s worth it because you’re protecting public safety.

Terminology: Codes, Ordinances, & Standards

You’ll often hear people interchangeably toss around the words ‘codes,’ ‘ordinances,’ and ‘standards,’ but they are not the same thing. Put simply, ‘codes’ tell you what you must do, and ‘standards’ tell you how to accomplish it, while ‘ordinances’ serves as the legal route for getting everything in place.

According to the NFPA, codes and standards are a combination of technical works “that prescribe rules, guidelines, best practices, specifications, test methods, design or installation procedures and the like.”

Some building codes are enforced nation-wide, others are region or state specific. The main building codes in the United States include the International Commercial or Residential Code, as well as electrical codes, plumbing codes, and mechanical codes.

The Birth of a Code

Some of the first examples of fire building safety codes were fire alarms and sprinkler systems, first instituted between the mid to late 1800s. In-building wireless public-safety communication systems are the new kids on the block, they’ve only be around for the last 10-years or so. Yet, in the future, people will look back and wonder how we ever lived without these systems. The same way we look at sprinkler systems and fire alarms today.

In 2009, the International Code Council (ICC) added in-building requirements to protect public safety to the International Fire Code (IFC).  At the time, it was introduced into the appendix, indicating it was not a requirement but a recommendation. A few years later, in 2012, the technical provision of chapter five grew to adopt more technical provisions of the code.

The ICC explained the intent of the IFC as “to establish the minimum requirements consistent with nationally-recognized good practice for providing a reasonable level of life safety and property protection from the hazards of fire, explosion or dangerous conditions in new and existing buildings, structure and premises, and to provide safety to fire fighters and emergency responders during emergency operations.”

In-Building Communication Safety Codes

Both the ICC and the NFPA have published model codes and standards for public-safety in-building wireless communications, but there are differences in the models produced. Public agencies commonly take components from both models to create unique codes. That’s why it’s important to follow the correct model reinforced in your jurisdiction.

Models are reproduced on a 3-year cycle, give or take a little. Changes to local codes are largely dependent on a community’s current political climate. First, codes are updated on a three-year cycle. The development of codes begins in April to May and involves committee action hearings. The public has a chance to comment on potential codes at public comment hearings. Final action is taken between October and November.

Rarely do codes go longer than 6-years without some type of modification or new adoption. Local states or jurisdictions adopt model code language through ordinances before instituting rules and regulations to protect public safety via in-building radio enhancement systems.

How Are Fire Building First Responder Communication Codes Reinforced?

The person or organization in charge of enforcing codes is the authority with jurisdiction (AHJ). The AHJ varies city-to-city, but in a lot of regions this responsibility falls on the fire code official.

Permitting and code compliance is enforced during tenant improvements or build-outs to ensure old and new buildings are compliant. New buildings must show architectural drawings complete with plans for code compliance, if these design plans fail to satisfy code requirements, a building permit is not issued. Post-construction, the building is re-inspected and only awarded a certificate of occupancy if everything is to proper code. Some jurisdictions conduct annual inspections to identify code violations regarding poorly maintained networks or failed equipment that hasn’t been fixed.

Building owners and property managers are often at a loss to understand the importance of public-safety communications, even industry experts admit staying relevant can be a challenge.

There’s no need to stress when you have Highland Wireless on your team. We can get you up to code starting with a free on-site assessment and customized quote. Contact us today to learn more about in-building public safety communication systems.

How Do In-Building Wireless Communication Systems Protect Public Safety?

How Do In-Building Wireless Communication Systems Protect Public Safety?

“If you can’t call us, we can’t help you.” –Chief Alan Perdue, Fire Chief, Greensboro, North Carolina (ret) and Executive Director, Safer Buildings Coalition 


In-building wireless systems are fundamental to protecting public safety, hence the widespread development of building codes that regulate the institution of distributed antenna systems (DBA) and bi-directional amplifiers (BDA).

There are ample benefits to good in-building communication from both the perspective of first-responders and the public. First and foremost, it allows people in the building to call outside of the building for help. This can shave crucial time off the table in terms of efficiently deploying the appropriate forms of help to the scene. A good in-building system also helps fire fighters and other first responders maintain solid radio connection from inside all points of a building.

Past Tragedies Influence the Need for In-Building Public Safety Wireless Communication

Issues with first responder efforts almost always link back to difficulties with communication. On 9/11, first responders faced this issue once they got inside of the towers. Additionally, Hurricane Katrina and the Northeast Blackout are other major occurrences negatively impacted by the inability of first responders to communicate.

These major events in America’s recent history have brought more attention to the matter of in-building communication systems. Police and fire personal require code-compliant coverage on multiple frequency bands so that they can communicate using two-way radios during an emergency no matter where they are in a building, 40-stories up or underground.

Tall buildings made from dense materials present a roadblock of sorts for radio signals trying to pass through, disabling everything from cell phones to first responder radios. Point-to-point communication is complicated when some crew members are on the ground and others are 35 stories up. The structure of high-rise buildings significantly reduces the RF signals. 

Police two-way radios work a little differently and tend to work better in taller buildings because their signals are often located on land-based towers or attached to the tops of neighboring buildings. The technology to enhance signals and dissolve the problem exists. Some regions are now enforcing mandatory building codes that enforce the installation of these lifesaving systems. Distributed antenna systems offer support to first responders through LMR, VHF/UHF frequencies.

“Building owners who make the commitment to provide this capability should be rewarded legally and financially for making their facilities safer. Those who do not provide in-building wireless coverage in their facilities should pay higher insurance rates and other costs, because of their structures simply are not as safe as those with in-building coverage,” writes Donny Jackson, the Editor of Urgent Communications.

The Importance of Distributed Antenna Systems

AT&T reports just under 80% of all wireless calls start or end inside buildings. In other words, it’s virtually prehistoric to operate a building that does not have the additions necessary to facilitate calls. As a result, wireless carriers developed a way to facilitate communication no matter how tall or dense a building may be. The best approach is a Distributed Antenna System (DAS).

A DAS is installed to enable public-safety communications and can support various frequency bands, for instance VHF/UHF as well as 800 MHz. The same systems are not used for both public safety radio frequencies and cell phones. While it sounds like a good idea in theory, they can cause interferences with one another. While 9 out of 10 manufactures focus on developing communication enhancement systems for cell phones, first responder communication is crucial and can save lives. That’s why we are on a mission to provide the best in-building communication systems for first-responder radios. 

Does Your Building Need A DAS?

If your building is in Miami-Dade County, the Category 40 permit requires the addition of an approved distributed antenna system and bi-directional amplifier. We can get you up to code in no time! For zero charge, we visit your location with an engineer to assess the needs of your building and provide a free estimate. From there, we create a plan of action and install the entire in-building system.

Other regions are on their way to creating similar permit requirements to Miami-Dade’s Category 40.  Even if these systems are not yet mandatory in your region, implementing them is crucial to protecting public safety. Contact us today to set up your free estimate!