South Florida Businesses Communicate Better with Radio

Communication is vital to the success of any growing business. A business that can serve its customers efficiently and quicker that its competition will succeed. Great examples that come to mind are tow truck companies that can communicate back to home base quickly to be alerted of a need or customer service floor people who can see opportunity and alert colleagues from across the store. Communicating in business is key, what matters is how you are communicating and what could improve your communications?

The norm in business today is to use personal cellphones for communications. In a small number of slower moving businesses they work, but Two-Way radio has been a consistent winner among most businesses in terms of speed and reliability. Two-Way Radio allows for instant communication amongst multiple people. No dial tones and no missed calls. Two-Way Radio can resist years of use and most every environment of use. Cellphones need to be upgraded every 1-2 years and are easily broken by a small drop or splash of water.

Small and large businesses alike have been using Two-Way Radios in South Florida to grow their business and become more efficient. A few examples of industries using Two-Way radios in South Florida include:

  • Transportation
  • Trucking
  • Towing
  • Security
  • Ambulance
  • Boating and yachting
  • Waste Management
  • Schools
  • Churches
  • Museums
  • Hospitals
  • Hotels and Hospitality

Life Critical Communications – Only Two Way Radio Will Do

In a life or death situation, being able to communicate quickly is critical. Every second matters, and faulty technology may be the deciding factor between success and failure.

Having an understanding of the Two way radio industry, it is not hard to see why police officers, fire fighters, and paramedics use Two way radios. They are quick to connect, able to talk to multiple units at once, and durable in tough conditions. Unlike Cell phones, Two way radios are not used for games but for a critical purpose that it delivers for every time.

Two way Radios are quick to respond

Two way radio has the communications speed and ease of use that an important job needs. Radio is run off of frequencies that are specific to the user, meaning no other radios are using your line of communication when you are using them. Motorola and Kenwood are two great brands that offer transmit interrupt, which allows for one radio to transmit above any others. The power in this mode of communication is that it is built to work when you need it to, not work when it can.

Radio beats Cellphones

Imagine if a paramedic needed to dispatch a unit to pickup a heart attack victim, they may only have minutes, and used a cellphone. The dispatcher would dial a number, wait for a pickup, and hope they answer, drop the call, and start all over. Cellphones are great for leisurely conversation, but not when every moment counts to save a life. Radio is a tool that does what is needed to do, when it needs to do it. Cellphones are multipurpose and unreliable when it is needed.

Radio Can Withstand the Test of Time

The average cell phone may continue to work with wear and tear for 2-3 years. Two way radio is built and tested to withstand heat, water, weather, and falls for over 15+ years! A company looking to invest in critical communications will find a wise investment in a product that will work every time for years to come!

South Florida is full of industries that have life critical operations, Ambulance, construction, fire, police, security, and public safety to name a few. Highland Wireless is committed to selling the best product available to give a company the piece of mind it needs that its communications will work when it is critical that is works.

Florida Fleet Talk Two Way Radio Network

Highland Wireless is expanding coverage!

As of February 9th, 2016, Highland Wireless will be making a big upgrade to its Kenwood NEXEDGE network. Through a lot of growth and new customers, our need to accommodate new users has never been greater. The solution to this is upgrading our system and customer radios to “Regional” setting. With this, we are able to add more capacity, more towers, and more functionality for our customers!

What does this mean for you?

As a Highland Wireless customer, we are working every day to make sure every one of our customers radios are upgraded to “Regional” specifications. Our team has been making visits to customers and taking customers in our office. If you are using a Kenwood NEXEDGE radio, contact us at (954) 376-7400 and we will set up a time to service and upgrade your radio!

Q: What if I use a Motorola Radio?

A: Motorola radios are also services by Highland wireless but do not run on the same network as Kenwood Radios. Your Motorola radios are already up to date.

Q: What will my radio be able to do with “Regional” settings?

A: Regional settings allow us to add more capacity to our network! Soon we will be adding new sites and more coverage to your plan.

Q: Will our radios work without the upgrade?

A: Not Quite. An update is necessary for all radios to access the new system. If you have not upgraded yet, please contact us and we will service you as soon as possible!

Communicate Better with Two-Way Radio!

Screen Shot 2016-02-01 at 11.39.02 AMAny company determined to grow will hit a point where managing many people requires a simple way to communicate. Many transportation companies, fleets, warehouses, and construction companies will turn to cellphones to meet that need. While cellphones have the reputation for being reliable communication, what you might not know is that a better alternative for half the cost is available.

Two-way radio has always been the overlooked solution for communication. Radio is often thought of as unreliable, unable to reach far distances, and not simple. The truth is cellphones may be characterized by those things more than Two-way radio. Radio communication today is simple, far reaching and very cost effective compared to cellphone contracts. Often seen as a toy rather than a tool, cellphones have been banned behind the wheel of commercial vehicles, given larger screens to play games on rather then communicate, and given extra features that you need to pay for.

On the other hand, Two-Way radios are a tool for productivity and sustainability. Radio communication is simple and built to do one thing very well, communicate! Radios work on specific frequencies that continue to work even when emergencies happen and cellphone towers are down. Two-Way radio has the ability to communicate to multiple people at one time instantly, something cellphones cannot do. And for fleet drivers, two-way Radios are DOT approved to be used behind the wheel of a commercial vehicle.

For any business trying to run as efficiently as possible, the best communication for the lowest cost is ideal. Often company cellphone plans can run $80+ a month per line after fees and data rates. Cellphones get the communication job done for $40 a month or less. Cellphones are fragile and prone to break while Motorola and Kenwood Radios are built to work in the toughest conditions for years! For efficiency, affordability, and value, Two-way radio are the best choice for your growing business!


What can a Motorola Dealer do for you?

For the many industries that rely on Two-Way radios to function, having a strong dealer to customer relationship is a key to success! Some of the biggest users of Two Way radios are operators of large fleets of vehicles such as taxis, transportation trucks, ambulances, and tow trucks. With this, having the right people oversee maintenance and around-the-clock service for your radios will keep your organization working!

Motorola & Kenwood, being parent companies, rarely sell directly to customers. The business model they use to satisfy customers with the best service is to allow authorized dealers to distribute the product. An authorized dealer ads a personal touch to selling and gives a face and a name to delivering great customer service for a radio system. Authorized dealers are local and can meet customers needs onsite and with quick turnaround time. Of Motorola dealers and Kenwood dealers in South Florida, Highland Wireless is one of the largest and most established. With 15 years of experience, we Service customers in Broward, West Palm, and Miami and have a great personal relationship with all of our customers!

The largest benefit to having your Motorola or Kenwood Radio system managed by an authorized dealer is having piece of mind that you are covered and supported by local people who want your business to succeed and want to grow in success with you. We at Highland Wireless use the same radios you do, and work around the clock to make sure the network is at its best.