How To Solve Common Two-Way Radio Problems

broken two way radioTwo-way radios are incredibly reliable and durable devices. If your radio is acting odd or not working there are a couple of easy fixes you can try before contacting your local radio repair specialists.

Some of the most common issues that are easy to fix include:

-The radio was not properly set in the charger and is therefore lacking a charge.
-The radio is set on the incorrect channel.
-The volume has been accidently turned down to inaudible levels.
-The battery needs to be replaced.
-The radio is not turned on.
-A build up of dust has formed in important components.

(More Trouble Shooting Tips)

Some of these issues seem like no brainer problems you couldn’t possibly let slip by, but you might be surprised. Checking over your radio to make sure everything is secured, clean and in the right position can help identify and quickly solve a large percentage of two-way radio problems.

Continue reading to learn more about 4 common two-way radio problems and potential solutions.

Two-Way Radio Problem #1: Your Radio Will Not Turn On

The worst thing that can happen when you go to use your two-way radio is that it will not turn on, rendering it useless.

The Solution:

Make sure that the radio’s battery was properly attached to the charger for the appropriate amount of time. If the charger is properly attached but doesn’t seem to be working the actual battery might be dead. Batteries tend to last between 12 and 18 months. Radio batteries around this age may simply need to be replaced. Batteries can be replaced without replacing the two-way radio.

To see if the problem is related to the battery or the radio, try putting the battery in a different radio. If another radio does work the issue is the radio, if that radio doesn’t work you just need a new battery. If your battery is not the problem you will need to contact your local radio service shop for troubleshooting and radio repairs.

Two-Way Radio Problem #2: Beeping

Your two-way radio continually produces a beeping sound. Non-stop beeping can start to make you feel a bit crazy; rest assured there are solutions to this rather common problem.

The Solution:
There are many small issues that can result in your two-way radio beeping up a storm. To identify and solve the problem you should check for the following:
-The microphone is lodged into incorrect mode.
-The radio isn’t turned off.
-The channel selector is properly programed.
-Programming information has not been lost.
-The battery power is too low to operate.
-There is a stuck button on the radio.

Two-Way Radio Problem #3: Static

Static Is Interfering With Transmission Of Messages
Productivity can quickly plummet if every time you go to send or receive a message you are met with annoying static.

The Solution:
-Check if the microphone has a bad cord or faulty connection.
-Check the antenna to make sure it is properly secured in place.
-Check to see if the battery contacts are covered in dust and debris. If this appears to be the issue, you can use a pencil eraser to clean contacts.

(Common Two-Way Radio Problems)

Two-Way Radio Problem #4: Radio Isn’t Holding A Charge

Memory effect, also known as battery effect, is a common issue that plagues two-way radios, as well as cell phones and other chargeable devices. If your two-way radio is not holding a charge but is not of age to go bad this might be your problem.

This is especially likely if a radio is continually charged when there is still adequate battery life left. Eventually, charging batteries that still retain a charge will cause the battery to only partially charge. For instance, if you continually charge a battery with 40% battery capacity remaining, you may find your radio only holds a charge for 40% of its advertised charging capacity.

The Solution:
In order to prevent memory effect from holding the full extent of your charging capacity hostage you can simply wait to charge it until the battery is fully exhausted. If a radio still has a 30% charge left, wait until it is nearly completely used up before placing on the charger.

If your two-way radio battery is already suffering from memory effect you need to contact the provider. There are things that can be done to help reverse the damage.

The Number One Way To Troubleshoot All Two-Way Radio Problems
What do you do if your two-way radio is broken and none of the possible solutions provided above work? Simple, contact your local radio repair specialists.

Contact Highland Wireless today if you need help pinpointing solutions for two-way radio problems.

Commonly Asked Questions About Two-Way Radio Rentals

Two Way Radio RentalTwo-way radios offer a superior form of communication for people working together during projects, events, or emergencies. If you only need two-way radios for a specific event or period of time you may not want to buy a whole fleet of radios. It is more cost effective and less of a hassle to rent radios if you only plan to use them for a certain extent of time.

You can rent two-way radios for any time range, you simply pay a low fee for the days you need them. As a result of the ease, affordability and convenience more and more people are turning to radio rentals. Here we answer some of your most commonly asked questions about renting two-way radios.

What do rental radios come with?

There are a number of accessories that can be attached to two-way radios to enhance communication, such as headsets or surveillance microphones. Rental two-way radios come standard with batteries, spare batteries, chargers and antennas. With these accessories your rental radios will work efficiently, but what you need additional tools? For instance, if security personnel at an event use radios, a surveillance microphone might really come in handy. Instead of running out and buying surveillance microphones, simply inquire about additional accessories you can rent with two-way radios.

How far in advance do you need to rent two-way radios?

Planning ahead is always advised because it guarantees that the radio and accessories you need are available when you need them. Still, last minute needs are known to crop up. You can almost always rent two-way radios, no matter how little notice you have.

You may need to plan ahead better depending on the time of year as the availability of radios tends to fluctuate seasonally. For instance, during the spring there are a lot of graduations, weddings and other large-scale events that result in a spike of rented radios. In the middle of winter, chances are there are more radios available for rent, even at the last moment.

Can I rent two-way radios to work with radios I already have in use?

A benefit to renting two-way radios is the ability to add to your current fleet of two-way radios for a special event. Regardless if you have a lot of radio equipment or none at all, two-way radio rentals are flexible enough to cater to you. You can rent radios that operate on your private licensed frequencies, or an established frequency can be provided.

Are radio rentals only for short-term use?

Two-way radio rentals are available for both short-term and long-term.

Do I need to get a license to operate rental radios?

The FCC requires a special license for most amateur radio usage. You can rely on common or default frequencies in your area, which may not require a license but then you are forced to deal with the possibility of others trying to use the same frequency. This can seriously complicate matters. If you have a license for your very own frequency you don’t have to deal with issues related to interference. It is very easy to get licensed and the license lasts for 10 years.

What sorts of benefits will two-way radios provide?

Two-way radios provide extensive benefits in terms of communicating in areas where other forms of communication are unavailable, as well as during emergencies, or large scale events.

Is there insurance available for radio rentals?

Insurance coverage is available for two-way radio rentals. Insurance will protect you against accidental damages that occur during normal usage, such as a dent or scratch caused by someone dropping the radio on the job site. Insurance does not cover damages caused by unintended usage. For instance, damages will not be covered if you jump in the pool with a non-waterproof radio in your pocket.

What is the best radio to rent?

This question has a lot of answers, all dependent upon what you need to get out of your radio. If you only need to communicate across short distances you will be fine with a low-range, basic model. If you need the power to communicate across vaster distances you may require a more powerful radio. Depending on where radios will be used you may want to consider waterproof and dustproof options. GPS, Bluetooth and a full color screen are other additional options you may or may not require. Give us a call and we can help you decide on the best radio for your needs.

What if I need to rent radios for longer than expected?

In almost all cases rental periods can be extended as needed. Contact us as soon as possible to arrange a rental extension.

Highland Wireless offers affordable and convenient two-way radio rentals. Contact us today to learn more!

Everything You Need To Know About Two-Way Radio Battery Life

battery life illustrationUsing two-way radios to communicate on a job site is increasing in popularity. Many businesses are realizing the benefits to two-way radios. There are many areas or circumstances when no other form of communication works besides radio. For all of these reasons and more two-way radios are greatly depended upon.

Two-way radios are incredibly durable; many are even waterproof as well as dust and impact resistant. The most common thing that makes two-way radios unusable is an exhausted two-way radio battery. Understanding all of the details concerning two-way radio batteries will help you make sure your radio is reliable when needed.

How Long Does The Average Two-Way Radio Battery Last?

Most two-way radios come with rechargeable batteries that may be charged, used and recharged many times before becoming exhausted. There are many factors that influence how long a two-way battery will last. On average, a two-way radio battery will last between 18 and 24 months.

Different Types Of Two-Way Radio Batteries

Primary and Secondary Batteries
Most portable two-way radios, including Motorola models, will operate with these types of batteries.

Primary batteries are not rechargeable. They rely on a one-time chemical reaction to produce energy.

Secondary batteries are rechargeable. They also rely on a chemical reaction, but a different one that can be charged and recharged many times. Nicad and Nickel Metal Hydride are considered secondary batteries.

Nickel Metal Hydride Batteries (NiMH)
This type of battery is a more recent technological development that is similar to Nicads, and provides the same voltage. This type of battery tends to provide a longer charge but an overall shorter lifespan than most Nicads.

Nickel Cadmium Batteries (NiCd)
This type of battery includes two plates per cell, one is Nickel and the other is Cadmium. It is these two metals that generate the option to charge and recharge batteries.

The Importance Of ‘Cell Grade’ Premium Grade Cells Vs. Low Tier Cells

The most important component of a battery is the cells. The cells determine two major things, including:
-Capacity, how long a battery operates before it requires charging again.
-Cycle life, how many times you can charge and recharge a battery before it no longer holds a charge.

A battery pack may contain one of two different tier grades, premium grade cells or low tier cells.

Premium Grade Cells last longer than Low Tier Cells, providing as much as 10% more capacity. This translates to about 1 hour and 12 minutes extra usage per charge when used in locations that are at or around room temperature. In regions that are below -4 degrees Fahrenheit, premium grade cells can offer as much as 80% more capacity or 2 hours and 46 minutes more usage before requiring a charge.

Premium Grade Cells also offer 2.77 times more charges and discharges than battery kits that rely on standard grade cells.

Motorola only uses premium grade cells in all of their two-way radios.

Why Does Temperature Matter In Regards To Battery Life?

Temperature impacts the effectiveness of your two-way radio batteries. The most common types of batteries perform best when used at room temperature.

If batteries charge in a hot environment they may last 25% less time with a full charge.

If charged in cold environments (below 4 degrees F) they can lose more than 50% charging capacity.

As long as batteries are fully discharged and then returned to room temperature they will not endure any lasting effects and will once again hold a normal charge.

What Is Memory Effect?

Memory effect is a common and largely misunderstand problem that impacts two-way radios. If a battery is only charging to the level it was last discharged, this might be your issue. For instance, if you only use a battery until it reaches 35% capacity and then recharge it, it may start to only accept a charge up to 35% capacity. That means that a battery capable of lasting 8 hours will suddenly only operate for a little under 3 hours despite receiving a full charge.

This issue is caused by an accumulation of small gas bubbles as well as irregular shaped cadmium crystals that attach to the cell plates. If this has happened to your radio(s), contact your provider for a solution.

You can prevent this from happening by using up all of the battery before placing it back on the charger.

Where do I throw away old rechargeable batteries?

NiCd and NiMH batters are both considered hazardous waste by the EPA. This means it is adamant that you properly dispose of two-way radio batteries in order to protect the environment. Contact your local Hazardous Waste Authority to find out where in your area you can take them for proper disposal.

(More on Two-Way Radio Battery Life)

Tips For Using Business Two-Way Radios

guy on two way radioUsing two-way radios seems pretty self explanatory, but there are a number of tips and rules that make business two-way radio usage more efficient every day as well as in times of emergency. The Department of Health and Human Services, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health as well as the Centers for Disease Control recently released a report titled Radio 101: Operating Two-Way Radios Every Day and in Emergencies.

The instructional guide is full of insightful tips laid out in a brief, concise manner reminiscent of how two-way radios are used, efficiently and using as few words as possible. Many of the scenarios provided in the booklet relate to miners, although they are generic enough that they apply to many different industries.

The Best Tips For Business Two-Way Radio Usage

Keep It Short and Concise
When using two-way radios you want to be as concise as possible when delivering a message to the person on the other end. There is the ‘long story’ and the ‘short story.’ Make sure and use the shorter version when communicating across radio waves.

Think Before You Speak
-Know what you are going to say and whom you are going to say it to before initiating contact.
-Avoid long, complicated sentences, or awkward pauses by planning out what you are going to say beforehand.
-Don’t use code lingo or abbreviations unless they are clearly understood and used by all members of the team.

Conduct Regular Radio Checks
Radios are reliable but no technology is 100% reliable all of the time. In order to make sure your radios work when you need them frequent radio checks are important. Such as:
-Make sure batteries are charged and all devices are powered on.
-Make sure that the volume is set high enough to be heard even if hand-held radios are a few feet away.
-Make sure you are still within range to receive signals.

Repeat It So You Get It Right
Communication errors occur every day, often resulting in very preventable issues. In order to help reduce the risk of miscommunication you should always repeat a message before acting upon it. This only takes a few extra seconds and can make the difference between making a costly mistake and smooth sailing.

Drop The Manners
In the real world manners are very important, saying ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ is key to making people feel appreciated for their hard work. When it comes to talking over two-way radios you don’t have to mind your manners so carefully, this only takes up precious time.

An occasional ‘thanks’ is okay, as you don’t want to drop your manners in exchange for being rude. Rudeness is proven to deter successful communication and team efforts. You don’t have to waste time being overly polite but you still need to speak to others in a respectful manner.

Radio Communication Is Not Always Private
Two-way radio channels may not be private and may be overheard by someone who happens to tune into your frequency. Remain mindful of this potential lapse in security when communicating via radio. Unless you know for certain that your line has the proper security technology in place you shouldn’t openly discuss private manners. Using code lingo can be very beneficial to saving time as well as keeping private information more secure.

Make Charging A Priority
If two-way radios are not properly charged and ready to go they can quickly go from a helpful communication tool to well, dead and out of power. Designate someone to make sure that all radios are properly charged and ready to go each day.

Call Signs and Locations Should Be Memorized
Instead of using names to communicate, radios provide everyone with a unique signal. Having these signals and call signs memorized will help enhance the ability to properly communicate on the job.

Don’t Interrupt
Two-way radios only allow one person to speak and others to listen. In other words, two people cannot talk over one another. If you hear a conversation going on across the channel you are trying to use, be patient and wait for it to end before talking. The only instance when this rule may not apply is in an emergency.

Speak Clearly
Make sure you speak very clearly and talk a little slower than usual to ensure everyone understands your message. You want to speak in a normal tone, and avoid shouting.

(More Two Way Radio Tips)

General Two-Way Radio Terms To Help With Efficiency

Radio Check: Do I have good signal strength? Can you hear me?
Read You Loud And Clear: This is a response to ‘Radio Check,’ meaning signal strength is good and you can hear loud and clear.
Go Ahead: You are prepared to handle transmission.
Stand-by: You are able to hear and understand but you are not able to respond at the moment.
Roger or Ten Four: You heard and understood the message.
Negative: “No”
Affirmative: “Yes” (Avoid using slang such as ‘yeah’, or ‘yup’)
Say Again: Please repeat your message
Over: Message is complete.
Out: The conversation is complete.
Break, Break, Break: You are interrupting a conversation because you have an emergency.
Come In: Asking the other party to acknowledge that they hear you.
Copy: You understand the message.
Wilco: “I will comply.”
Repeat: Say this before you repeat something to prevent confusion.

(Read More on Two Way Radio Etiquette)

How To Extend The Life Of Your Two-Way Radio

How To Extend The Life Of Your Two-Way Radio Purchasing a fleet of two-way radios is a beneficial investment, but in order to get the most out of your money how do you extend the life of two-way radios? Some two-way radios prove powerful for 20 years, while others give out after only a few years of consistent use.

The average two-way radio ceases to work around 5-7 years. A low-end industrial radio is likely to withstand about 3-4 years of regular use, while a higher quality industrial radio tends to last closer to 5+ years. Still, a lot of it has to do with how well you take care of two-way radios. (Reference)

How To Extend The Life Of Your Two-Way Radio

  • Purchase a two-way radio that is resistant to water, dust and impact.
  • Handle with care, at least as much care as possible
  • Use two-way radio belt clips or wall mounts in order to reduce the chance radios are dropped and subsequently damaged.
  • Use trickle charging, as opposed to fast charging. Trickle charging may take 8-12 hours to fully complete but fast charging is known to decrease battery lifespan. Only resort to fast charging when absolutely necessary.
  • Replace battery, antenna and any other parts in need of repair in a timely fashion.

Keeping Two-Way Radios Relevant

Even if your radio remains in in good condition 5 or 10 years from now, how do you ensure that it still offers relevant technology capabilities? With each passing year technology improves, offering a world of new wonders. The great thing about two-way radios is that you can always download the latest updates onto the device.

According to the Product & Purchasing Manager at BearCom, Hugh Johnston, “Digital upgrades are constantly available.” Johnston added that this allows you to constantly update older radios with new firmware and applications by simply bringing your radio to a qualified technician.

Most Commonly Replaced Parts In Two-Way Radios

The first thing to go on most two-way radios is the battery. The average battery typically lasts between 18 and 24 months. This time span varies depending on how many times the device is charged, used and re-charged. If the battery stops holding a charge you only have to replace the battery, not the entire radio.

When replacing a battery it’s important to properly dispose of the old battery. The EPA considers rechargeable batteries a hazardous waste, and requires you to contact your local Hazardous Waste Authority or recycling program to find the correct location for disposal.

The next component that tends to go out is the antenna, which can also be replaced in the instance it breaks.

The Rough And Tough Life Of A Two-Way Radio

The line of work a radio is used for will largely contribute to its lifeline. Regardless of industry, most radios undergo a lot of wear and tear since they are used daily. Two-way radios are often dropped, stepped on, and even run over. Radios used in outdoor environments are at the greatest risk, such as construction sites where there is great exposure to water, dirt and impact damage.

Two-way radios are often used for emergency purposes, when handling tends to be rough and conditions are not ideal. In other words, there are plenty of opportunities for something to go wrong with a two-way radio.

Since radios must succumb to a great deal of wear and tear, manufacturers are highly focused on creating durable models. There are a number of two-way radios produced by both Motorola and Kenwood that offer waterproof and dust proof features. Most are also constructed with a high tolerance for impact damage. (Read how Motorola and Kenwood compare)

When searching for the appropriate two-way radios for your business it’s important to address what sorts of exposures your radios are most likely to encounter. Then, seek out the options that are most resistant to these factors to increase the time you get out of two-way radios.

When Is It Time To Get New Radios?

According to Mobile Solutions, only 18% of businesses are prepared to deal with mobile technology changes. How do you know when it’s time to update your two-way radio technology?

Staying up to date on the latest radio technology will help you decide when it is time to upgrade to a new radio system. If your radios are still in good condition and working efficiently, there isn’t necessarily a reason to upgrade immediately.

If your fleet of radios are not working as they once did, you need more range, or the average range has greatly decreased it might be time to look into new radios. If you are considering getting new radios anytime soon it’s important to save ahead of the expense. If you do not have the funds to buy new radios, leasing radio equipment may be an option as well.