What 2 Way Radios Can Do For You

5 Things A 2 Way Radio System Can Do For You

You may recall playing with walkie-talkies as a kid; a pair of black inexpensive walkie-talkies allows more than one kid to have hours of fun. But if these old school walkie-talkies are what you think about when you hear ‘2 way radios,’ think again.

Radio is actually the oldest form of communication on land, but since the first handy-talkies, 2 way radios have undergone many upgrades. Today, a radio system can offer a world of beneficial features that many people are surprised to find out about. A 2 way radio system will provide your business with an affordable and reliable source of communication, but it can also do a whole lot more. Here we identify and explain 5 things 2 way radios offer that may surprise you.

1. Text Messaging

In most cases it takes less time to send over a voice message than to type out a text, hence why push-to-talk radios are so time efficient. Yet, in some instances it is more effective to text, for example if one party is hard of hearing, or if the location is too loud to hear. There are multiple 2 way radios that include text message capabilities. 2 way radios can offer a nice platform for texting; some are even equipped with colored screens, and number keys to type with.

2. Stun & Revive Feature

Companies discuss private, low-key information on a regular basis. Even employees that hold lower level jobs at a company know a great deal of insider information. Privacy is a large concern for many businesses, and so too is theft. If a radio-system ends up in the wrong hands the results could be devastating, thankfully some 2 way radios are equipped with a great deal of privacy and security features.

Some 2 way radios can be disabled if the device leaves the designated area or is reported as stolen. If a ‘stun’ signal is sent to a device, it will no longer be able to receive or send out messages. This can help keep your privacy secure, as well stop theft. Once the radio is retrieved, a ‘revive’ signal is sent to the device and it will be operative again.

3. Voice Recording And Replay

You never want to be left in the dark about what’s going on at your business, especially if an issue arises, and so the more things that you can record, the better. Did you know you could have all 2 way radio transactions continually recorded and available for play back? This gives businesses the added advantage of having transactions recorded so that if anything arises, an exact transaction of words is retrievable. If need be, these recordings are approved to stand as evidence in a court of law.

4. GPS Tracking

Some 2 way radios come with GPS tracking so that all devices can be tracked. GPS tracking offers you the chance to see travel information charted on graphs, reroute a previously traveled path, or show locations in real time, all according to the location of 2 way radios. This can be beneficial to your business in many different ways, from preventing theft of radios to keeping up with company productivity. It can also ensure the safety of your workers when they are alone on a mission.  Seeing travel logs of tracked distances can also help institute new ideas for more cost effective methods of conducting business.

5. Fleet-Wide Emergency Notification

What is your plan if an emergency arises? Communication is so important in times of emergency, although cell phones and landlines can easily become compromised during all kinds of emergencies. Not only are radios able to withstand virtually any disaster and still work to communicate, certain radios also come with fleet-wide emergency notification.

The moment something urgent comes up, it’s important to contact your team all at once, and as soon as possible. When poor communication ensues, an emergency can quickly become more desperate. Thankfully, some 2 way radio systems come with fleet-wide emergency notifications. If your system is equipped for this, a time of emergency is no longer a time to panic. Instead, your entire team can be alerted collectively as a group, even if they are in vastly different locations.  In other words, a 2 way radio is also a cost-effective form of security.

The Vast Benefits Of 2 Way Radios

2 way radios make it easier for employees to quickly communicate throughout the workday. As a result of better communication, companies witness enhanced productivity, cost savings, and less waste. Plus, 2 way radios are far more affordable than pricey cell phones.

Golf courses, educational campuses, large retail operations, there are so many different businesses currently reaping the benefits of a radio communication system. Plus, the additional services you can obtain with 2 way radios make your business more secure, alert, and safe.

At Highland Wireless we offer the very latest 2 way radios, along with superior technical services and support. Stun and revive, GPS tracking, speed notification, voice recording and more, we do it all. Contact us today to learn more!

Could A 2 Way Radio System Save Your Business Money?

Businesses continually try and accomplish the same thing: reduce costs and generate more profits. Therefore it’s no surprise that time and time again we are asked if a 2 way radio system can help a business save money. The answer is yes! Radios help businesses save money in numerous ways. In this blog we detail how 2 way radio systems offer reliable communication as well as money-saving benefits.

Four Ways A 2 Way Radio Could Reduce Costs:

1. Ditch The Expensive Cell Phone Plans

What are your employees currently using to communicate? If the answer is cell phones, 2 way radios can already save you money because they offer a more affordable option. Golf courses commonly supply staff with 2 way radios, as opposed to pricey cell phones, in order to communicate across the expansive greens and clubhouses. Although larger operations that need to communicate across much vaster distances than a golf course don’t need to waste money on cell phones and data plans either. Thanks to the latest in Wide Area radio technology, you can use 2 way radios to talk to someone up to 300 miles away. This allows teams working near and far to save money and use 2 way radios over cell phones.

2. Avoid Additional Emergency Expenses

Accidents and emergencies are bound to happen; it’s just how the world works. Perhaps it keeps things exciting, a bit unpredictable. But even a minor emergency can turn into a catastrophe without the proper safety precautions in place. Big or small calamities call for one thing: reliable communication. If sufficient lines of communication are not secured problems (and monetary damages) can add up much faster. One way to ensure your employees are able to communicate no matter what life, or Mother Nature, throws in the way is to equip all employees with 2 way radios.

In a wide spread emergency cell phone lines quickly get tied up, and often connection is destroyed all together. When using a cell phone you have to wait for an available line to open up, hence how in a time of emergency there are no available lines to access. Radios have their very own dedicated line so that communication is always within reach and you never have to wait.

Some disasters can even destroy phone towers, cutting off service to cell phones as well as landlines. In this case radios once again may be the only working form of communication.

In a longer lasting emergency where power is not available, cell phones will die as soon as their charge is up, but 2 way radios can last for days.

Many businesses keep 2 way radios on hand just in case of an emergency in order to ensure a line of communication. By keeping employees prepared to communicate no matter what, you can reduce stress and save money in damages.

3. Increase Productivity

There are two reasons that 2 way radios increase productivity. One, they reduce distractions created by other forms of on the job communication, namely the cell phone. And secondly, they make communication quicker and easier to access.

When employees can easily get in touch with one another working together becomes a more cohesive task, even when working miles apart. This causes many businesses to turn to cell phones so that employees can get in touch back and forth. While some mobile phones even come with easy to use walkie-talkie features, nothing compares to the speed and ease of radio communication.

Plus, radios avoid the surplus of distractions created by cell phones. People find all kinds of things to do on a cell phone. Imagine if every employee spends as little as 15 minutes a day on their phone doing unrelated tasks, this adds up to a lot of lost productivity for your business.  2 way radios ensure access to a reliable communication system and also increase the amount of time employees spend working instead of being distracted by a cell phone.

4. Reduce Waste

When employees get busy doing their own thing, it’s easy for communication to falter and mistakes to be made. If employees have a fast way to communicate with one another it can actually save a lot of money. Time and time again we hear our customers say that 2 way radios keep everyone informed about inventory, this reduces the chance someone overbuys something or misspeaks about a product. With 2 way radios it’s much easier for workers to contact one another and avoid mistakes.

Benefits of 2 Way Radios

The benefits of obtaining a 2 way radio system for your business are plentiful. Overall they include:

  • Improved response times
  • Higher level of coordination between employees
  • Better control of operations in totality
  • Able to communicate one at a time, or as an entire group
  • Instant and accurate information
  • Enhanced decision-making
  • Increased levels of productivity
  • Added safety

All of these benefits are great on their own, but when combined they can save your business a great deal of money.

Contact Highland Wireless today to learn more about how 2 way radios can serve your business with a great deal of savings!

The Most Popular Two Way Radio Accessories

6 Of The Most Popular Two Way Radio Accessories

So you’ve got your business all set up with a two way radio system that everyone appreciates and enjoys. Now you might be wondering if there are any accessories that can further enhance the benefits offered by radio communication. In fact, there are many different accessories, from super efficient batteries to multi-purpose charging ports. Here are some of the most popular accessories for two way radios and how they can help further enhance your business communication.

1. Two Way Radio Batteries

If you have cheap, inefficient batteries powering your two way radio, your device might stop working when you need it most. The battery is just as important as the device itself, which is why batteries are an accessory you don’t want to forget about. Buying off brand batteries is a real option, but it’s not a recommended idea. Kenwood and Motorola each make specially crafted batteries for their devices that are proven to work long past other batteries. It’s not just the battery itself but the charging station is important too.

For instance, Motorola batteries made especially for two way radios offer longer lasting power, and they also add additional features such as battery life display, and adaptive reconditioning. The Motorola IMPRES battery charging and reconditioning station charges and reconditions, providing batteries with the maintenance necessary to surpass the test of time.

2. Two Way Radio Carry Cases

As humans we use our hands for just about everything, and unless your employees have 3-arms, there’s not always a spare hand to continually hold a radio all day. Depending on what employees do on the job, different forms of belt clips or carry cases can be utilized to secure radios, making sure communication is within reach at all times.

Each type of carry case also comes in a number of varieties. For instance, belt clips come in a wide range of sizes and appearances, some with added features such as spring-action or swivel D-Ring clips. There are also carry cases, which cradle the radio for extra protection and offer an easy attachment to a compatible belt. Cases range in materials from leather to nylon. Talk to your employees, and make a group effort to decide upon the best carrying case option.

3. Two Way Radio Headsets and Microphones

If someone has their hands full they might need to communicate but not be able to access a radio. In this case, a microphone head set can offer the perfect solution. Certain headphones are made to withstand a lot of wear and tear, while others are functional but not as durable.

There are also push button accessories that attach to your wrist for easy access to a line of communication. And while some sets attach to your wrist, or clip onto a shirt pocket, for easier access, other attachments actually hang up on the wall sort of like a landline telephone. These telephone-style handsets are ergonomically designed for comfort, making them easy to hold and utilize. Depending what type of microphone accessory employees can manage best while on the job, the most efficient selection will vary. (Motorola Microphones)

4. Two Way Radio Vehicle Chargers

The last thing you want is to have employees out on the go, unable to use their radio because it is not fully charged. You can ensure two way radios are always charged and ready to go with mobile vehicle chargers. Different models of vehicle chargers are capable of charging different batteries, and some can accommodate multiple types. Some chargers also allow for radio use while simultaneously charging up.

There are other variations of chargers you can add to your list of two way radio accessories as well, including multi-unit chargers, single-unit chargers, and reconditioning stations as well. Research your options in order to get the best charger for your radio and needs.

5. Two Way Radio Antennas

Handheld portable two way radios often include an antenna. You can remove and replace the antenna, either because of damage or added communication needs. Some antennas are used to enhance the range of service a radio provides.

If you plan to use radios on the go in vehicles, there are many different antennas available to add to vehicles for compatibility to two way radios. Finding the right antenna is only part of the process, it’s also important to have your antenna properly installed onto the vehicle to avoid communication interference between radio and on-board computer systems. It is usually recommended to install the antenna on the roof or near the back half of the car. Hiring a professional for the installation process is always recommended. Also, it’s important to keep in mind if you are using a radio system with a surplus of power it may require extra special precautions.

It can be confusing to shop for a new antenna, considering different devices require unique connectors and antennas. Asking a professional for their advice and opinion could save you a lot of hassles.

6. Speaker For Two Way Radio

Need to address a large group of people all at one time? You can add compatible speaker and amplifiers to your two way radio system in order to efficiently reach a larger group of people. Certain amplifiers are made to serve slightly different purposes. There are water resistant speakers as well as direct entry message speakers that include a 16-button entry keypad.
When it comes to two way radios there are endless options for accessories, although your accessories are only as good as your radio system. For superior two way radio installations and services contact Highland Wireless today.

Kenwood Vs. Motorola Two Way Radios:

Kenwood Vs. Motorola Two Way Radios: Which Is Best For Your Business?

Uncovering the best two way radio system for your business can be a bit of a process. This process often whittles down to a comparison of a few different models. If you are trying to decide between Kenwood and Motorola, both make excellent options. It’s very difficult to compare Kenwood and Motorola as a whole; instead it makes more sense to break down comparisons by individual models. This is because there is such a wide variety in features and quality within each brand. Plus, both brands tend to earn similar star ratings from customers, making them highly comparable. Here we break down the differences in two way radios to help you make an informed decision.

Comparing Two Way Radio Models Side By Side

With many different model options, it’s important to fully understand what each device is capable of providing. Just like cell phones, some radios are ‘smarter’ than others. Not everyone needs a smart radio, but if your business does it’s important to address that need or else you may end up unsatisfied. Here is a closer look at advanced, middle-grade, and basic two way radio options from both Motorola and Kenwood.

A Look At What Motorola Has To Offer

Motorola advanced option:

The Motorola XPR-7550 is one of the most powerful radios Motorola has to offer, and includes added features, such as an LCD full color display screen with the latest digital radio systems and GPS. The XPR-75550 is the radio most comparable to a smartphone. While this device looks beautiful and offers a lovely display screen, it also remains incredibly durable. Plus, this two way radio can perform for a very long time thanks to IMPRES battery technology.

Motorola middle-grade option:

The Motorola XPR-6550 is incredible flexible and functional. It does include Bluetooth capabilities, IMPRES battery technology, and GPS. The XPR-6550 does include a screen, although it does not have the same stunning full color screen as the XPR-7550.

Motorola basic model option:

The Motorola CP-200 is incredibly popular but does not have a screen or Bluetooth capabilities. Still, this is one of the most highly regarded and popularly used radios in the industry. Due to the notoriety of the CP-200, the latest model has been upgraded for improved results. The Motorola CP-200 includes press-to-talk, selective calls, and other features that make this radio among the easiest to operate.

A Comparable Look At What Kenwood Two Way Radios Offer

Kenwood has a wide range of two way radios, very similar to Motorola, but of course with their own unique traits.

Kenwood advanced option:

The Kenwood NX-300 UHF is a more advanced radio, although it does not have the same full color screen or Bluetooth technologies as the high end Motorola XPR-7550. Still, it has a larger screen than other Kenwood models; in fact the NX-300 displays twice as many characters as other Kenwood radios with a screen. If accessing a large number of channels is important, this radio is capable of doing so with a large internal memory and many programmable features.  The audio quality associated with this radio is also ranked very highly. Plus, the radio is resistant to water and dirt.

Kenwood middle-grade option:

The Kenwood NX-320 is very comparable to the NX-300, with hardcore durability and reliable communication across many different channels. The main difference in this model is the smaller screen size.

Kenwood basic options:

The Kenwood PKT-23K is a compact model for easy use and an out of the way approach. At only 3.9 ounces, this little radio offers a lot of cool perks, including a 3.5mm audio jack, Micro USB port, and 15 hours of guaranteed battery life.

The Kenwood TK-2400 is a popular radio model that is comparable to Motorola’s CP-200. The durable radio provides reliable communication, but does not have the fancy bells and whistles like Bluetooth or full-colored screen. Just like the CP-200 by Motorola, the Kenwood TK-2400 does not have a user screen.

Kenwood Vs. Motorola, Is One Better Than The Other?

Now that we have taken a look at a few different models from both Kenwood and Motorola, can you identify which offers the best two way radios? Clearly, the answer isn’t so easy to pinpoint.

The needs of your business are going to differ drastically from the needs of another business, for this reason radio features are highly subjective. If GPS capabilities and full color screen are of utmost importance to your business, the Motorola XPR-7550 may be the best option for you. If instead a durable and lightweight option is more important, the Kenwood PKT-23K might be the winning radio.

How To Avoid The Biggest Complaint About All Two Way Radios

When purchasing a two way radio system it is so important that you make sure the radios you purchase are strong enough to service your area. The biggest complaint people have about Kenwood, Motorola, and all types of two way radios can actually be avoided no matter which radio you select. If you do not get a radio powerful enough to sufficiently connect at all necessary points, you will have an inefficient communication system. Without proper planning, and professional help, this can happen with any brand radio. Knowledge is power here; after all there is a radio capable of providing your business with the power necessary to remain reliable from all locations.

Need assistance finding the best two way radio system for your business? Contact Highland Wireless today!

What is a Transmitter Station?

Transmitter StationHere at Highland we use repeaters, or transmitter stations, to send out radio signals on two-ways. This is how our Wide Area Network functions. These stations receive and send radio waves, and can increase the distance that these waves are sent by many miles. Hundreds of miles in most cases. Whereas family radios can mostly only travel short distances, a two-way that works with a repeater can send and receive messages from many miles away, making communication on different work sites quick and clear.

Transmitter stations are large spires or masts that can be constructed by themselves or on top of tall buildings. They are used to transmit radio waves for cell phones, two-ways, AM/FM radio, and microwaves. Their locations are selected based on a number of things. Line of sight and power are always considered. In regards to electro-magnetic radiation, line of sight refers to waves traveling in a straight line. These waves, without obstructions, can typically travel from the origin, to the horizon, but not past it. In many instances, waves do not travel to the horizon due to objects such as hills, buildings, trees or even the atmosphere. These obstructions can bend, reflect or absorb the waves and render them useless past the point of the obstruction. By raising stations and masts, the line of sight of waves are increased, making the waves receivable for longer distances. Most stations are high above the ground to meet line of sight criteria. Many towers or masts are also set far away from inhabited places depending on government regulations.

To give you an example, picture two people standing on opposites sides of a hill. They each have a two-way radio, but cannot talk to one another because the hill is obstructing the waves being transmitted from and to each radio. Now imagine a large tower standing on the top of the hill, with a large antenna sitting on top of it. Now, when one of the people sends a message to the other, the radio wave first goes to the station, and is sent back out to the other two-way. This happens both ways, and makes it possible for the two people to communicate even though there is a large obstruction between them. The tower sitting on top of the hill also increases the line of sight of the antenna as compared to an antenna that is sitting at ground level.

In addition, masts are located in city versus rural areas based on their power. Higher powered stations are typically in rural areas, whereas lower powered stations are in cities, where radio waves do not need to travel as far. High powered stations are also mainly set up very high, so that their signal can be reached many miles away. TV and FM stations are typically built on top of hills as well. Often the stations have more than one antenna, but depending on how many stations are being transmitted, multiple antenna can be used. By using a diplexer that splits the signals, one antenna can be used for many transmitters. AM radio transmitters are high-powered and low-frequency, and because of this are often set lower to the ground. The lower frequency waves travel as ground waves, which allows them to be received well past the point of horizon for that particular antenna. AM stations can transmit long, medium and short waves and are assigned to frequencies for long distance communication.

At each station, an antenna is what is doing all the work; sending and receiving radio signals. Each station is usually nothing more than a base for the antenna. Sometimes there is only one antenna, other times there are many. The mast can be a supporting structure for each antenna, or the antenna itself. Each station uses electricity to send and receive transmissions. They often also have back-up generators in case of power failures.

In rural or remote areas, these stations are often not manned. Operations can be controlled from off-base computers and any problems that arise have to be dealt with when personnel can get to it. In more populated areas, some stations have full time crew, others part-time. In most cases someone is available at most hours to resolve any issues that come up.

For many two-way radio users, simply having two radios to receive and transmit signals is suitable. If you are a crew working together on a small job site, or just a couple of friends hunting in the woods, a transmitter station is not necessary. In contrast, a project manager who is responsible for many job sites that are separated by many miles reap the benefits of area wide stations (read more). Their messages are sent and received in approximately the same time as simple two-way radios, but can cover vast distances. Communication between sender and receiver is instant and clear, even when there are large obstructions and miles between them.