Benefits of Two Way Radios During a Storm

Benefits of Two Way Radios During a Storm

During a storm, disaster can strike at any moment whether as a tsunami, cyclone, hurricane, or flood. When that happens, reliable communication becomes essential. And this is where two-radios stand out. It guarantees a reliable connection that’s crucial for rescue operations. 

While you can still use your cell phone, most of the cell towers are jammed with higher call traffic. As such, reaching out for help becomes impossible. With that and much more, here are the benefits of two-way radios during a storm:

  •     Effective Communication

During or after the storm, tons of people make calls to call for emergency assistance or talk to their loved ones. Since almost all of them are using cellphones, the mobile networks experience an overload and fail. To avoid this setback, 2-way radios rely on dedicated channels with low call traffic. As a result, you can reach family members at ease without barriers. 

While radio networks can also suffer the same fate as mobile networks due to higher traffic, there’s control over it. At the communication center, experts can block other calls and allow only emergency calls to go through. Also, since they work with a single button press, they’re convenient for an emergency. Therefore, anyone living in a disaster-prone region should buy it. 

  •     Resilient design

When a storm hits, environmental conditions turn sore. People in these conditions might be subjected to intense heat, floods, speedy winds, or dust. In such conditions, mobile phones are unreliable. But when you have a 2-way radio, you can call for help. These devices are built to withstand extreme conditions and still function optimally. Through the noise cancelation ability, you can be heard clearly even in a noisy environment. 

  •     Strong Radio Signals 

These networks have been designed to face network shortages when times are hard. The long-range radio network system for instance can switch between the grids and back up the battery during emergencies. As such, it provides you with enough time to reach out for help. During such moments, mobile signals are usually poor or completely unavailable. 

  •     Long-life battery

When a storm or disaster hits, the entire region may experience a power outage. And during such times, continuous communication is essential; for rescue operations. When you have a mobile phone, chances are it will run out of power in the next few hours. However, 2-way radios can last longer. They come with a long-lasting battery that can serve you for over 12 hours. Also, they’re light, making the device portable even in emergency circumstances. 

  •     Maintain Communication at Work

In your facility, the best communication solution when a storm begins is a two-way radio. It allows the staff to remain in touch and run the company’s operation. Also, it’s the best means to update everyone on how the situation is progressing. 

  •     Instant Communication

During a storm, every second is essential. And when you have a 2-way radio, you can appreciate constant communication. This device allows you to make a call with a simple button push. Unlike mobile phones, you don’t have to put a password, swipe screening, or type in an emergency number. You just need to press the button and that’s it. 


Thanks to the reliable and practical features of two-way radio, your safety is guaranteed during a disaster. Even in the middle of a storm, you can still reach out for help. As a result, this communication device is an essential part of the emergency kit. But where can you source reliable options for your family or business? Well, call Highland Wireless if you want the best two-way radios in the industry.

The Benefits of Two-Way Radio in Retail Stores

The Benefits of Two-Way Radio in Retail Stores

In an effort to keep the doors open and cut on operation costs, retail stores are finding themselves on new business ventures that apply new strategies. Two-way radios have been a major part of this game change. Having been on the market for decades, embracing technological growth, as well as shifting from analog to digital, two-way radios are bringing a whole new experience to the retail enterprise. If you run a retail store, using two-way radios can be beneficial to you for any of the following reasons.

  • Prompt Communication

To connect workers from all sectors or departments of your store, you require a reliable and efficient communication system. Two-way radios give a high-quality signal and a wide operational range that is suitable for any retail space. With increased and instant communication between supervisors and workers, the response time is faster and there is an increase in productivity. Activities such as cleanups, price checks, and inventory are made flawless as compared to when physically locating staff members.

  • Improved Safety and Security

Two-way radios are a faster and more reliable tool that allows security personnel to respond to concerns such as disruption, theft, and accidents promptly. The management team also has a steady safety and security platform to communicate and keep track of employees in the security and maintenance sectors. Two-way digital radios are incorporated with an alarm and tracking system that records details of each channel of communication such as time positioning, voice, and data traffic. To reaffirm the safety and security of your customers and employees, they can also be linked to CCTV monitoring sites and police stations.

  • Cost-effective Communication

Compared to cellular phones and other communication gadgets, two-way radios are surprisingly cheap and affordable. And unlike smartphones which can be spoiled by water, they can withstand extreme weather conditions such as rain. For increased efficiency, different models are available depending on the size and structure of a retail premise. While single-channel radios may be perfect for most circumstances, multichannel options are available when several groups need to be connected. To facilitate privacy among staff members, separate communication channels are appropriate.

  • Better Workflow

When a retail store incorporates two-way radios as part of its communication system, concerns related to health, safety, and security are handled appropriately. Due to easier and faster response provided by two-way radios, staff members can coordinate the affairs of the shoppers easily, improving the atmosphere in the busy retail environment. This helps in improving the experience of your customers, promoting a good relationship between you and them.

  • Variety of Models and Accessories

Two-way radios offer unlimited models and accessories when it comes to the size and needs of a retail store. The current innovation trend in the technology sector has introduced multiple steadfast accessories that work with radio technology. The level of security operations has increased tremendously due to the improvement of two-ways radios to incorporate GPS monitoring software, panic buttons, shop-watch schemes, as well as body-worn cameras. Many retail stores have been changed into safe and secure spaces for shoppers due to these developments.

Call Highland Wireless for a Detailed Quote

From store management to stock controllers, security, and other maintenance staff members, two-way radios have proven their importance in the retail industry. To ensure operational stability, staff teams can communicate discreetly and effectively. Two-way radios offer fully scalable solutions, featuring both digital, analog, and analog-digital modes. Two-way radio has got you covered no matter the size, type, or scale of your retail operation when you are ready to explore all the benefits that come with it.

Industries that Will Benefit from Two Way Radios

Industries that Will Benefit from Two Way Radios

When it comes to modern industries, communication plays a critical role in running various projects. Whether it’s relaying information from staff to staff or employer to staff, clarity during communication is essential. And this is why many industries choose two-way radios as the primary gadget of communication during working hours. 

Thanks to reliable communication, small and portable size, and tough structure, it’s practical for many industrial applications. With that said, here are some industries that will benefit from two-way radios:

  •     Security 

Promptness, reliability, and privacy are the crucial features to consider when getting security gadgets. And that’s what 2-way radios have to offer. They can play an essential role during surveillance by security professionals where confidentiality is a must. As such, many security companies and even government agencies employ these devices when conducting various operations. 

  •     Mining

Mining is one of the hazardous industries that can benefit from the use of two-way radios. Since anything could go wrong at any moment, a reliable connection device is essential. Thanks to the capability of these devices, you can communicate with people during an emergency. So, whether you’re trapped in the mining tunnel or within the building, these gadgets will be resourceful. 

What’s more, they are built for an industrial environment. Therefore, when it drops several fits, there’s nothing to worry about. Also, most of them are dust and spill-resistant making them applicable in the various mining environments. 

  •     Manufacturing

Like mining, the manufacturing environment can be chaotic as well. Because of this, poor network signal makes cell phones unreliable. And that’s why many companies employ two-way radios. They not only have strong network signals, but also no recreational applications allowing staff to focus at work. 

Owing to the noisy nature of manufacturing industries, using any other communication device besides 2-way radios is impossible. Thanks to the noise cancellation feature, it’s easy to communicate clearly without noise destruction. 

  •     Retail

From store clerks to managers in mega-size departmental stores can affirm the benefits of using 2-way radios. With the help of these gadgets, you can quickly request items from backroom staff for clients. Also, it’s helpful when an emergency cleaning service is required during busy hours in the store. In simple terms, these devices prevent the to-and-fro movement when providing various services to clients.

  •     Health and Safety

For decades, health and safety experts have been relying on 2-way radios when handling both emergency and non-emergency operations. Owing to the reliability of these gadgets, you’ll rarely find an EMT, firefighter, or any other emergency responder without it. 

  •     Hospitality Industry

The hospitality industry can be quite busy with massive gatherings and a large area to cover during staff operations. To ensure a swift handling of guests, the use of two-way radios is essential. It enables quick requests for assistance and also placement of orders. Also, staff can communicate easily and securely with each other when requesting certain information. 

Final Take

Can’t wait to get two-way radios for your company? Well, contact Highland Wireless for the best deals when it comes to two-way radios. They not only offer 2-way radios for purchase but also rental. Therefore, you can decide what fits best your company and Highland Wireless is here to serve you. 

Thanks to their recent updates, their devices are reliable during emergencies when someone is trapped inside a building. Therefore, if you want a communication device that caters to your staffs’ welfare, well, reach out to them. Lastly, they also offer consultation services to those who need them before renting or purchasing these devices. 


Increase Effective Communication With Two-Way Radios

Increase Effective Communication With Two-Way Radios

Two-way radios are an investment in effective communication that benefits a variety of businesses, including planning events, construction, and hiking. They will, however, only be as effective as the people who use them. These long-range radios can connect up to 300 miles away. It’s important to remember efficient ways of talking with people on your team when you have a large network of connections.

Be Prepared

No one else in your team can speak or be heard if you have the speak button pressed. Unlike telephones, where people can interrupt and talk over each other, two-way radios are a one-at-a-time system. You should have a clear idea of what you want to say beforehand and use brief language to convey it. It is usually a good idea to think before you speak.

Identify Yourself and Your Recipient

It is important to first identify yourself before addressing the intended receiver by name or call sign. This is important when a group of people is sharing the same radio channel to prevent communication problems. Make sure you wait a moment for confirmation. This ensures that they are prepared to receive your communication. 

Be Patient

Allow others to respond once you have finished speaking. It may take some time for your receiver to process your message and make themselves available to respond. Wait a few seconds for a response before calling them again, unless it’s an emergency. Be patient. To minimize confusion, don’t cut someone off while they’re speaking.

Keep the Messages Short

When speaking with someone on a two-way radio, you want to ensure your message is concise and to the point. Keep your messages short. This gives other people a chance to acknowledge your message or ask for clarification before you can continue with your next point. Always let the radio users know if you need to relay a long message at the beginning of the transmission. Messages that are too long should be divided up into sections.

Make Use of Radio Terminology

When everyone understands and utilizes the same language and etiquette, it increases effective communication with two-way radios, especially when there are more than two people on the channel. When you use radio words like “over” when you’re finished speaking or “stand by” when you’re asking others to wait, you’re letting the other party know when it’s their chance to speak or that their request has been acknowledged.

Learn the Phonetic Alphabet

Another tip to increase effective two-way radio communication is to use the phonetic alphabet. There are instances when being precise with your message is required. You may need to spell out a word or phrase if you’re relaying a code, address, or another specific message. Learn and use the phonetic alphabet for universal comprehension to do this efficiently. It was created to make letter identification as simple as possible by using words with clear letters.

Make Sure the Accessories Are Working

If you use a radio accessory (headset, earpiece, speaker microphone), ensure it is properly connected and in good working order. A radio accessory might disrupt communication if the radio is constantly transmitting. Always double-check that accessory connectors are pointing in the right direction and are fastened properly.

Contact Highland Wireless

Two-way radios are portable, robust, and simple to operate. Users can expect to communicate efficiently with all of their connected contacts at any time, with no additional expenses. If you would like streamlined two-way radio communications, Highland Wireless is an ideal partner. We have all of your two-way radio needs covered, whether it’s for a building, site, event, or fleet. Contact Highland Wireless today.

Benefits of Two Way Radios

Benefit of Two-Way Radios

When it comes to industrial jobs, communication is a critical factor if you want the job to be done well. Yes, there are multiple communication devices like cell phones with mind-blowing technologies. But in an industrial setup, they are often unreliable. 

And this is where the benefits of Two-way radios come in. These devices are a perfect fit for this job, especially where clear and secure communication is critical. And here are the reasons why you need it:

Instant Communication

Two-way radios are designed for instantaneous communication. There is no waste of time dialing to receive a call. With these devices, a colleague is always listening on the other end. Therefore, if there are lone or remote tasks that require constant communication, these devices will do. It’s even more beneficial if one is operating in a remote place with a poor cell phone network. 

Battery Life

One of the key benefits of using Two-Way radios is a long-life battery. Impressively, some of them come with a battery that can last for over 24 hours. As such, they are helpful irrespective of how long the work shift will last. Since they lack ancillary features that limit the battery life of a cell phone, the rate of charging is limited. 


Ever dropped a cell phone several feet down? Well, the pain as the screen cracks, the body fractures, and some pieces fall apart is unbearable. But that’s an agony you will not have to worry about with two-way radios. They are crafted to resist damage from physical impact. 

With military specifications, it’s not just the fall they are immune to. They can also withstand water intrusion, dust intrusion, vibration, higher temperature, and humidity. And each of these devices, undergo all these harsh conditions during product testing to guarantee efficiency. 

Minimal Destructions

With so much to do with a Smartphone, finding yourself destructed from work is no surprise. Even worse, we often develop this tendency of peeping into specific apps for news, trends, or gossip updates. Depending on your phone use habits, it can be even hard to focus on a project. 

Thankfully, two-ways radios are here to salvage the situation and improve your working habits. This device is communication-oriented to ensure all workers focus on the project without facing destruction. And the result of using it is saving valuable time at work, boosting efficiency, and also productivity. 


These devices have a reliable network that works great even in remote areas. As such, it’s a reliable device in all the places where the network range covers. While in an emergency the cell phone may fail to work, but with two-radio works, the connection will be strong. 

With that said, they have no network barrier as long as they are operating within the specified range. And in case of a power outage, they have a backup battery to ensure communications are not halted. 

Low Cost of Operation

Beginning with the cost of these devices, they are cheaper than some of the latest Smartphones. Therefore, you can save a significant amount by buying them. Further, they have no monthly subscription fee, calling minute’s charges, or roaming charges associated with cell phones. And to reduce the cost of operation further, several workers can rely on the same radio. 

Final Take 

Lastly, if you have a project in Florida and require Two-Way Radios, don’t hesitate to contact Highland Wireless. Their devices are some of the best in the market, which includes Motorola and Kenwood. And that’s not all; they are offering a wide range of reliable networks. So, wherever you are based between the Florida Keys and Jacksonville, they’ve something for you.